International Competitions in Architecture
Is it true that the container that brings the divine Coca Cola to us is more expensive to produce than its content…?
This is probably true of most things produced under the banner of High Capitalism.
And since to make a profit is not considered sinful, but NOT to is, let’s contemplate its effects on the moral life of today, through the lens of art.
The Black and White “painting” by Warhol representing, bluntly, a giant Coca Cola bottle sold just now for 31 million dollars.
What does this “painting” say…?
It says something very simple: the COKE is king, and we are the slaves.
And those who paint the King, even cynically, are treated royally.
So inevitably 31 million dollars is not so much for a blunt representation of a big Coca Cola bottle. If Giotto trying to prove to the Pope his skill as a painter drew an almost perfect circle with his chalk (without a compass), Andy Warhol might have painted, quickly, a giant Coca Cola bottle.
Indeed, who could have painted such an incredible painting…?
Only a great artist, no doubt.
And only a very great artist would have thought of having a significant room in his own museum in Pittsburg dedicated to… dedicated to… dedicated to: MONEY (“pure” and simple).
Are we surprised…?
Far from it.
The so-called “Pop Artists” were “pop” only in name, since their royalties transcended, for the “successful” ones, even the dreams of most kings… indeed, the obscene amounts of money spent on their ungracious nonsense would seem totally absurd in a saner world.
As the comparison between Warhol and Prince Myskhin would, not to speak about the outrageous one advocated by some critics between the King of Pop (in the field of visual arts) and none other than Christ, the Son of God.
Please design “A House for Andy Warhol.”
A House as innocent as its inhabitant.
The House of Livid Art Production, flattering our expectations, that is: our need for unending scandal, visual or otherwise. A House where skill and noble aspiration are replaced by commercial manipulations, media manipulations and money, money, money!
Do not make it vital, honest, enduring! No, make it instead weak, but perfumed mundanely, and only occasionally expensively urinated on its Zinc parts, as that celebrated collective “artwork” produced by several “artists” at the instigation of the King himself, who apparently contributed himself (that is, with His own urine) – see the mentioned “artwork” in the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.
Please send us ANY work, ANY size and ANY format that responds to the theme to We will publish all the works received on our website, There is no registration fee. The deadline to submit your work is February 1st, 2011.
Thank you,
ICARCH Gallery
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